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Hunter Best - Devlog #1 - 2/15/2022

Whispering Abyss (2022)
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

I'm Hunter Best, I'm a member of the audio section of the art team and the writing section of the design team. I focus primarily on musical composition for the audio section and for the writing section I have a few different focuses, but generally, I work on different details of the game such as potential minibosses and item descriptions. 

So far, I've helped to compose a few different clips of songs as we are trying for a more adaptive form of music so that the music will vary depending on area, enemy, and other different design details. Primarily, we are going to try and have our songs in C Minor with some variation, so as to make the music between areas and enemy types flow better.  The two I've worked on so far have the working titles of "Starting Point" and "He Approaches," so as to describe how the music might be used.

Starting Point is a string quartet meant to initiate the battle section to the game when the player character first enters the abyss. It was created to sound eerie and vaguely threatening to show the character is in a dangerous area, even though they aren't in danger at the present moment.

He Approaches, however, is meant to sound threatening and indicate that the player character is very much in danger. This piece is made up of a piccolo, a tuba, a violin, and a double bass. It was meant to sound as though something is chasing the player.

Both pieces were made in MuseScore and neither piece has been mixed as of yet and changes may be made in order to keep the keys around one another for the purposes of a smoother transition between songs.

In writing, I've worked primarily on item descriptions, which have been written to show the thoughts of the player character, whose current/working name is Grace. So far, we're aiming to make Grace a strong, sarcastic protagonist and most of the item descriptions match that same energy. The descriptions are written to show Grace's sarcastic nature as well as her confusion around being in the game's environment. Some items' descriptions are more serious as the nature of them would perhaps make her more concerned. As I was previously unsure whether the game would have a narrator or not, I had written many of the descriptions from a narrator's perspective, which has since been changed to match the current direction of the game.

Additionally, I have helped to make a document outlining potential questions that a player might have about the game, which would most likely be useful to answer by the time of the game's official release. I also made a baseline description for the environment that is subject to change, so we, in the writer's section, have been discussing those details with the designers and the artists.

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