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3D Audio Testing, Sprint, and Gravity Implementations

Whispering Abyss (2022)
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

     Hello, my name is Gerald Monnecka and this week I worked on testing 3D audio as well as implementing sprinting and gravity for the player character. This week started with creating a scene to showcase Unity's 3D audio features to the audio team. This was done by creating a scene with two cubes the player could move between that each played different audio clips. As the player approached each cube the respective audio clip playing would get louder or softer; my goal in doing this was to showcase how audio works in Unity's 3D space. I also spent time implementing a sprint feature for the player character and enabling the character to be affected by gravity when intended to. This was done by creating the test scene shown in the attached image where the left room was used as a room to run around in and the right room was used as a room to test falling off of things. This image showcases the test scene used for the sprinting and movement scripts.

     In reflection, I need to do a better job of adhering to studio guidelines surrounding Github and completing tasks in a timely manner. When I initially created the audio test scene I placed it in a separate repository of my own creation to not mix up testing scenes with the rest of the work in the main repository which is geared towards completing production on Whispering Abyss. However, had I paid more attention to the studio Github guidelines I would've seen the section detailing that such scenes are meant to be placed inside developer-specific folders causing unnecessary additional work on my part to incorporate that separate scene into the main Unity project. In regards to completing work in a timely manner, I ended up taking until just before the end of the sprint to complete my assignments for the week which complicated the showcase of the department's work for the week during the scrum as not everything was able to be merged into one branch for the showcase. Going forward I will make sure to complete my work with at least one or two days of leeway so that everything can be merged together ahead of the start of the week scrum.

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