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New Game Title Announced

Whispering Abyss (2022)
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

After the launch of Fallen Worlds and City of Abominations in years 2020 and 2021, Precipice Games is proud to announce the next major title in development: Whispering Abyss

Currently, we project our game title to launch in mid-May of 2022! As the developers of Precipice Games, we will be offering sneak peeks into our design and development process. In our 15 week journey, we hope to open your eyes to each facet of game design, from the creative mediums of art, audio, and narrative to the technical implementation of design and engineering. Through hardships to triumphant victories made through blood, sweat, and tears we are excited to bring you all along for the ride.

NARRATIVE: What's it about?

As a snippet of the story of what Whispering Abyss is about, our lead writer, Nathan Raia, accompanied by Hunter Best has comprised a small summary illustrating the wonderous world of WA:

 After losing her father at a young age and watching her mother get dragged underneath the surface by something terrible, Grace Havenshroud was left scared and alone. She vowed as long as she lived she would never let herself feel as helpless as she did then. 10 years later, Grace returns to her hometown of Duluth, Minnesota. Equipped with her dual revolvers and the sun necklace gifted in her mother's final moments, Grace is determined to find out what took her mother. Will Grace discover Duluth’s secrets or will she meet the same fate as her mother?

ART: What does it look like?

Our development team is already roughly 2 weeks into our pre-production phase of Whispering Abyss. Every department is hard at work with lots of conceptual images to piece our vision together. As a sneak peeks into the creative design aspect of our studio, we have two traditional sketches drawn up by our two resident character designers, Tyler Pranger and Katerina Tzortzis. Featuring our lead protagonist, we already have a solid base for our player character:

Illustrated by Tyler Pranger. Conceptualized outfit and adornments of the protagonist with additional emote shots.
Illustrated by Katerina Tzortzis. Up Close representation of protagonist facial features, hair, and hat.

ENGINEERING: How is it being implemented?

Some aspects of the play characters are subject to change (such as tweaks to apparel and color scheme), but we are proud to have solidified a  rather interesting character for our players to see and experience the world of Whispering Abyss through. Speaking of the world of WA, engineers and been busy bees, already constructing the bare bones to our procedural level design and movement. Our lead engineer at Precipice Games, Erick Latshaw has successfully made a rudimentary randomizing dungeon level design in Unity and has made long-term goals of potentially adding situational rooms and corridors into this map design. Each randomly-generated room can be accessed from the spawning room location.

Generated and Programmed by Erick Latshaw. Each room is reachable through the spawn point. To the top left of the screen, a temporary ASCII top-down map is displayed of the map design.

DESIGN: How does it work?

Not to mention design team has been busy behind the scenes with mapping out modifier items and enemies to encounter in the player's perilous journey through the dark abyss! Collaborating with the engineering and writing teams, they have been hard at work generating the functionality and logistics of how the player will tackle new scenarios within the game.

AUDIO: What is the tone?

Last but not least, our audio team, led by Dylan Twomley has already generated some beautiful tentative theme music to create our game's immersing ambiance. Currently hoping to incorporate adaptive music into Whispering Abyss to truly give it that eerie tone, our sound department is on the case for conceptualizing SFX this early in the game development.


We are gearing up to present our Proof of Concept to our potential investors, and managers to give a proper vision of what our game is to become early next week. We hope to host some type of virtual meetup for any potentially interested players looking to hear more about the development of Whispering Abyss. With that, we'll see you next week with a new update on our development process.

Take care! Thank you for your interest and support!

Download Whispering Abyss (2022)
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