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Dont Die 3.5 Update

Dont Die
A downloadable game for Windows

Sprinting, Display tables, Quirns, and some new equipment to be found.


  • Can now sprint using left shift
  • Added wood and stone display tables any item can be placed on
  • Added Gold and Silver shields
  • Added Silver daggers
  • Added gold chalices
  • Can now drink water from Gold and Silver chalices by filling them at a water source
  • Characters with the noble background will start with a chalice
  • Silver chalices from food tables are full of water
  • Treasure tables now will give a gold chalice instead of a gold ring
  • Added Quirns that can be used to grind wheat into flour
  • Bread now has to be cooked at a stove with bread dough, made with water and flour
  • Wizard robes and hats are now craftable using unicorn hair
  • Improved the dagger pick up graphic
  • Improved the wooden club holding graphic
  • Iron and stone pickaxes get a large damage boost when physically attacking ore rocks
  • Added a sound effect when hitting humans in the head with a wooden club not wearing a helmet
  • Added squishy sound effect for shoving eyeballs into empty eye sockets
  • Added statistic for total fish caught
  • Fruit now takes twice as long to replenish
  • Planted trees now take 2 minutes longer to grow
  • Constructing a well now reduces hunger and thirst
  • Fully grown cabbage plants drop on the ground when destroyed
  • Dropping items while sailing will now cast them into the sea
  • Items lost to the sea can occasionally wash up on shore lines
  • Cannons can now be examined with the magnifying glass

Bug Fixes:

  • Reworked the game world clock once again, fixing all previous issues and inconsistencies while also optimizing redundant timers for better performance
  • Can no longer gather from multiple resources simultaneously
  • Spirit shards no longer show up on the ground when there actually aren't any there
  • Chalice of Ice demon blood now weighs the correct weight

Next update I already plan to fix the furniture and seed items to prevent the player from planting seeds on top of water, and placing furniture on the ocean. But since it's not game breaking I'm going to just allow it for the time being since it means adding a check to every peaceable item. If you don't want to break immersion then don't plant seeds on top of water.

I want to add a small dungeon to the castle next update as well, to give the player something to do while I'm building core features.



  • Dont Die 3.5.exe 70 MB
    Feb 14, 2022
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