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Apacies Alpha 0.91

Apacies: Creatures of the Old West
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Apacies Alpha 0.91 Release

This update shows mostly visual Improvements, but some dang good ones! Overworld Apacies now have a sprite and animation! They look like a black cat-blob and bounce around when they chase or run away from you There are also Particles introduced into the game - The player has a dust trail when they are running - Overworld Apacies have a dust trail when they run away or towards the player - Status effects now have particles as a constant reminder of that affliction

There... might have been 2 new routes... I don't know if I had announced them and they were never in the build settings for the release. But the map has all completed routes, but some offshoots still need to be made (Tubac, Benson, etc)

Tucson has been introduced into the game! The town isn't populated, but there are some decorations, and each house's interior has been designed. Population of the town will come soon

Several bug fixes - Double leveling when an Apacies levels up - Battle music cutting out occationally

Next Update I have a lot of different Ideas on what to focus on, but as a (hopefully) Beta 1.0 Release, I'm hoping it will be jam packed with:

- Retextured Mines, I don't like the vector art alongside pixel art

- Floating overworld Dialogue, To make the world seem a little more lived in

-Route/ Town Identifier when you walk into a scene

-Scene Transitions, so the studder when you change scenes isn't noticible

-Fixing the Pitmine spawner, Sometimes there exists an exit into the void that the player could use to walk indefinitely...

-and more!

I probably won't get to all of it, but feel free to let me know what you think I should focus on!


  • Apacies 103 MB
    Feb 07, 2022
Download Apacies: Creatures of the Old West
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