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Death Update 1.1.5

TeleTubbie slayer
A browser game made in HTML5

the teletubbie slayer update 1.1.5 is here!

new things added:

  1. -death,after you die you get a screen to restart the game (just close it and open it again) or refresh the site.
  2. not only only one boss, YES there is a second one 2/13 bosses done ;) the boss isn't finished yet,tomorow (11.2.22) i will probably make another update the 1.1.6 update where there will be a third boss in the game and where i probably will finish the second one (or delete him he is so hard to make!)
  3. some cool sound effect's for shooting,also some music came in (even though i just took doom's soundtrack,OUR SOUNDTRACK)
  4. the biggest thing that is on the list... A NEW WEAPON!!!!!1!!11! yes you heard me right,a new weapon got added,by pressing x you can take out the is very fast but instead of taking 10 health points for the boss it takes 1.
  5. some bug fixes like getting stuck in the floor by attacks,now you can press ,,R" to teleport yourself to the top of the map,it has a 10 second countdown
  6. last thing for today,a new map has been added after you defeat PO there will be the tiddlytubbies waiting for you in a spooky map,tomorow i will finish it


  • result (5).html 34 MB
    Feb 11, 2022
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