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0.0.21 Released

Persona H : The Midnight Channel
A downloadable game for Windows and Android

0.0.21 has now been released. This wasn't necessarily a part of my plan to released this update so soon, but I found so many areas I wanted to fix or improve.

Whats new : 

- I have created the system for Chie's Affection rank to "Rank Up ". You can only get to the 2nd Rank at teh moment, and it doesn't give you any benefits except for some new scenes I created.

- Created Ranked sceens seperated out by Talking to Chie, or Hanging out with Chie based on which Rank you are in

- I fixed a bunch of lacational bugs, to hopefully make navigation more smooth in the game

- Fixed a bug with saving the player's money, apparently this wasn't saving correctly sometimes. Now it should be

- Fixed some bugs with upgrading strength from mining, this should be working properly now. It worked in my tests

- Changed some buttons layout and design

- Added "Ice Lolly" to the shop !

- Created a new Slide in from the left technique for the dialog system. Used now in the introduction story scenes

- Worked on more Teddy expressions ,these are available in the introduction scenes

- Restructured how I sotr emy dialog in the game, it was getting cluttered and is now a lot more organized

- Reworked the storyline a bit, made some changes to the intro scenes

- Worked on the Backgrounds to the Homebase and Chie's house.


  • Persona H The Midnight Channel 18 MB
    Feb 10, 2022
Download Persona H : The Midnight Channel
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