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0.9.0 - Geography

Oh No! It's THE HORDE!
A downloadable game for Windows

New Entities

  • Flowers (") (') now spawn. They don't do anything.
  • Bridges (=) spawn where roads cross water.

Other Cool Stuff

  • Save and load!
  • Added a biome selection, including Plains, Tundra, Swamp, Mountain, and Forest biomes. Each has slightly different features that causes some to be harder than others. In order of difficulty, the biomes are Plains, Forest, Swamp, Mountain, Tundra.
  • The village now gets a unique name.
  • Whenever a hordeling eats anything, the hordeling falls asleep. If the target was a peasant, the hordeling may be killed while sleeping to save the peasant. When the hordeling wakes up, the peasant is lost forever.
  • Water shimmers. The shimmer depends on the biome.
  • Cutting trees eventually angers the forest spirits, who send more hordelings in response.
  • Can dally (.) for a few turns to heal.

Changes & Fixes

  • Water no longer blocks movement. However, it hinders and drains hp when stepped on. Enemies will attempt to path around it, but they won't always succeed.
  • Changed the world boundary. There is no longer a wall of trees. Instead, the player is blocked when attempting to leave the map.
  • Added a message for stumbling over hindering terrain.
  • Greatly reduced allied entity hitpoints.
  • Crops spawn in a variety of colors.
  • Reduced the value of trees to 2c.
  • Fixed farms always spawning to the north or south of the house.
  • Make fast forward happen via simulation rather than time skipping.
  • Unfreezing ice fills nearby holes.


This release signals a shift back towards a non-modal design for the game. While modes still exist, I plan to rework the systems that depend on them and then remove them entirely. They create far more problems than they're worth. I've planned these refactors into the 1.0 release.

Unfortunately, this iteration was pretty far behind schedule. The current timeline puts the roadmap wrapping up in April or May, assuming all goes well. The 0.10 Economics update includes some potential GUI work that could take more time to build. 

  • 0.10 - Economics
    • Economy rebalance
    • Taxes
    • Purchasing abilities
    • Contract fees
  • 1.0 - Aesthetics
    • Polish
    • Nonmodal refactors
    • Build optimizations and other checks


  • oh-no-its-the-horde.exe 27 MB
    Version 0.9.0
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