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Toilet Paper Building
A downloadable game for Windows

The entire goddamn construction system has been reworked


The system was kind of useless and poorly thought out, and was initially only intended as an early prototype version to test the concept of the game. And then I accidentally released the game. This in itself wasn't really a problem, but I didn't realise I had released it, and overnight 16 people had downloaded the game and 43 had seen the page.

So I felt I had to throw out some quick bugfixes and planned functions, completely forgetting the fact that the object placement scripts were outdated and unimaginably hard to modify.

And so I absorbed the old code and pulled new out of my arse, sold my soul to Satan and sacrificed my sleep and all my health to push this one fucking update.


This is probably the reason you are reading this devlog, instead of playing the fucking game, so here are the biggest changes and how to deal with them:

1. There is only one construction mode (again)

    - You might have noticed that a few days ago I released a new construction mode

        - Now the default one is grid construction

2. CTRL and CTRL+SHIFT is useless

    - Previously you were always placing objects freely, but now they are automatically placed in a grid system, snapping to points on existing objects.

        - To place freely you can hold down SHIFT (VERY buggy)


    - By scrolling up or down on your mouse (or zooming in and out on your touch pad) you can rotate the selected object, making it easier to place down rectangular objects, and adjusting the snapping points of cylindrical objects.

4. The game is fucking optimised

    - You most likely do not know the pain I've gone through to optimise the game for all devices, increasing the frames per second by 20 last week and another 30 in this update (for stronger devices such as mine)

    - I've also burnt up the little sanity I had left on cleaning up the code, making it much easier to implement functions later and remove bugs, yet completely unnoticeable to you

5. You can place directly on objects now

    - When looking at an object without snapping points, the placeholder object will no longer intersect with it. This may be buggy but as of now is MUCH better than the old system


  • 71 MB
    Feb 08, 2022
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  • 69 MB
    Feb 08, 2022
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