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Burger Boy [Summary January]

Burger Boy
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Hello everyone,

this week we wanna speak about our upcoming plans and the past month.

(be warned, there is a lot of text to read)

Since the release of our update 0.15, we've spent our time this week reading various reviews, critiques and comments to see where we can do things better.

A brief summary of the main criticisms we have seen is:

1. bad english, many grammatical errors

2. too fast story progress with the girls (sex scenes)

3. Story is not serious enough or too "comedy"

4. Anatomy of the girls (too big/small, too many tattoos, piercings, etc.)

     and other little things.

Of course, we also want to respond and make our point of view known:

1. We know that there are many mistakes in translation, and as many can already guess, English is not our mother tongue. 

    We want and will, if our growth allow it, also set up a "Proofreader".

2. We actually thought so too. But it's always difficult to please both sides. 

    The people who only play through for the sex and for the people who enjoy the story.

3. The game is supposed to be mostly comedy too, back then when we sat down

     and looked for an idea for the game we just thought "Why always so serious?".

    Real life is serious enough and we just wanted to create something where players

     can just have fun and there are enough good games with "dark and serious story".

4. You can't make everyone happy, we know that. Everyone has their own taste.

     We will continue to monitor this and take it into account for future characters.


We will use most of the month to "improve" the existing game and of course continue to work on 0.2.

Thank you for all the feedback and that you take the time to write it and also

thanks for playing our game and your interest.

- VarnsGames -

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