Posted February 04, 2022 by Traloc_Dheckoa
New update, it's a pretty big one! There's a lot to take in but this post'll walk you through everything.
Most importantly: Level codes. Forget the old V3 code with all those cursed symbols, as levels are now (by default) exported in a fresh new format titled MP1. A change on what kinds of codes can be imported has also been made.
You can now import:
You can now export:
Next up: Cells. We have some new cells + changes to existing cells. Let's start with the latter.
Changes to existing cells:
And now for the new cells:
Crabs are movers except they can't move vertically. When faced up or down they act as normal push cells.
It's an even more op version of the converter, because why not. It finds all cells with the same type as the one before it, then converts all of them except for the one in front.
Displays the amount of cells that was destroyed by it. Oh, and it doesn't make any noise.
From left to right:
Medic - Prevents all enemies except medics from getting killed.
Trashenemy - Can only be killed from its most vulnerable side.
King - Destroys all other enemies on death.
Prevents the player from interacting with adjacent input cells. They also automatically deactivate adjacent input movers.
Well, we're certainly seeing some familiar faces today - the Physical Generator from The Puzzle Cell, and Speed from Quell Machine. Are they the only cells to make their way to CMMM+ from another game? We'll just have to wait and see...
Anyway, that's all the new cells for this update. Following are some miscellaneous additions:
That will be all, I hope you all enjoy the update, and don't find any game-breaking bugs!