is community of indie game creators and players


Future plans

A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Hey everyone! To start I just want to say that it's been very fun working on this project so far, and I hope to continue for the foreseeable future. The idea of this post is to discuss what we want to do with this project in the future. As this is the first game that we are working on of this size and genre, we still have a lot to learn and need to figure out the best way to handle our work, so keep this in mind.

Update Frequency:
You might have noticed we had near-daily updates and then we stopped. This is because up until the last update, we've had over 40 hours a week to work on Tenril since we started. However, none of us are getting any money from this so we could only keep that up for so long.  We are now, instead changing over to go for a weekly/bi-weekly content update. These will contain more content than our previous daily updates but will be less total content compared to a week's worth previously.

Dev Roadmap:
Up until now, content has been released without any communication as to what would be worked on next to you. From what we've seen, communities love roadmaps and rightly so, it's an easy way to communicate our plans. We plan to have a discussion next week about our exact plans so we can map it out more clearly and then post it here, so expect that soon!

Team Recruitment:
If you've seen the detail section, we mention wanting anyone who wants, to join our project. This is currently still open, we are rather small currently with only 5 team members who have actively contributed. This has led to some issues with our development plans as we would like to be able to work with our models and have someone who can work in unity who isn't a scripter. We are looking into acquiring some specific members for the project in the coming weeks, so let's hope for the best on that. If you are interested, you can message me via Twitter or post on our discussion board.

Long-Form Posts:
This feature is very nice and an easy way to communicate with the community about our game in more detail. I've spoken with some of the other members and each of them would like to take the time to talk about their own experiences thus far in the project. We'd like to post one of these every week. We hope you enjoy them.

Discussion board:
Recently we changed over from comments to a discussion board, this seems like an overall better way to handle community interaction. As I'm typing, one of the other team members, Jacques, is setting up the board for easy collection of feedback, bug reports and such. Feel free to create boards if you'd like. This is how we plan to collect most of our information about the general perception of our game and we cannot stress enough how much we'd value you posting to it. Any feedback from a user, even if negative would be happily received.

Bug submission:
As per the previous topic, we'd like to collect bugs as this game is still in early development and likely has a lot of them. If you happen to come across a bug, the most important information for us is how to reproduce it, if you are unable to reproduce it, then let us know what actions you took before it happened. This way we can try to replicate ourselves. However, the easier it is to know the cause the faster we can fix it, if we don't get enough information on it then we will most likely leave it to a later date to fix and focus on other tasks.

This covers all our plans for now. Add Tenril to your collection to be able to easily find it and see our updates, you can also follow our devs to see specific updates from each of them!

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