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Visual Update and Content Update

Tower of Kalemonvo
A downloadable masterpiece for Windows and Linux

Hello gamers, long time no see (on itch, at least)!
I've got a nice crisp new version for you to sink your teeth into, which contains 2 new levels, new items, a new environment, a boss battle, some new mechanics, a new spell, and most importantly a nice visual update on the early game. 
Before going into details, if you're interested in this project and want updates more often than twice a year, you can follow the project's Twitter page over at , where I post consistently.

A prototype cave design posted on Twitter

Anyway, what do I mean by Visual Update, you might be asking? Well, I...

-Remade all of the wall models for levels (formerly known as) 1, 2 and 3
-Remade the cave models in the Bug Burrows
-Remade the art to potions and a couple of other inventory items
-Improved all UI aside from the Spellbook, that's for the next patch!
-Improved loading screen to play a video on loop instead of a static image
-Added a basic menu screen on launch instead of booting straight into the dungeon creation screen
-Changed wall fade-in scripts to allow for better visibility on player when obstructed by walls. This is currently best seen on the first half of the game, and is still under construction for the cave sections and Burrows level.
-Removed the visuals for any areas that are not pathable (Before, you were able to see the area outside the dungeon, but it is now covered due to shader magic!)
-Added a basic death screen, showing some info about the run the played just had

The above section took most of the last 3 months to get to a working state, but the patch also includes:

-New Item slot (Hands!)
-New Item type (Offhand Support)
-New Items aimed for improving Intelligence-focused builds
-New Spell
-New World Object 
-Added Attack Rating instead of To Hit %
-Added auto-updating information on being hit/ hit chance on enemies in the Stats Screen
-You can now hold shift to attack without moving
-Changed the way Barrels work, giving them only a tiny chance of being missed on attack
-Some projectile spells break barrels on impact (including Bone Wizard's fireball!!)
-Dungeon generation for the first three levels only takes a few seconds
-Added a first iteration of a goal-oriented dungeon generation algorithm for levels with special/specific rooms. 
There probably wont be a difference for you now, but it should be up to par with the non-goal dungeon floors soon!

Some balance changes include:
-Reworked item-levels to be tied to the strength of the magical properties an item gets. Higher tier item -> better buffs.
-Changed the item-level of all lategame items, effectively delaying their spawns by a level starting at Lower Dungeons 2.
-6th potion slot
-Nerfed skeletons and skeleton archers of all types
-Added a new level to all spells
-Increased level-up experience requirements a bit

And other things I wont spoil here

As always, this is the first released build with these changes - there will probably be two, or three... or four... builds that will fix some soon-to-be-discovered bugs. For this, I added a bug reporting section should you be so inclined to use, in case of something breaking.
Speaking of bugs,
-Fixed barrels leaving holes on the pathing area on returning to a previous level
-Fixed Bone Wizards standing too close to furniture, making their hitboxes weird
-Fixed Bone Wizards' aggression levels being too low when in melee range. It's still low, but not as low as before.
-Fixed Demongirl hitboxes being too small
-Fixed rare case of unkillable Named Fly being spawned by a shrine
-Fixed casting a spell right before an attack finishes preventing a player from attacking again without first moving
-Improved Demongirl pathing to not stutter-step as much
-Fixed Poison Circle visuals being bigger than the collider
-Added appropriate player voiced responses on certain cases
-Removed Door colliders when the door is open
-Fixed rare cases of incorrect 3D models for certain items
-Fixed being able to place armor items on top of rings in inventory, deleting the rings
And many more...

I hope you enjoy playing this version. As always, you can reach out to me here, on twitter, or on discord (osur#0549) with comments, questions, criticism or insults.

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