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Project Apocalypse - Pre-Alpha 1.42.0: Full change log

Dead Alone
A downloadable game for Windows

Since the last anoucement back in late december i’ve been working on a lot of different things torward my new goals for the near future of Project Apocalypse.

Today i am releasing the Pre-Alpha 1.42.0 which bring a lot of things to the game: Reworked weapon upgrades, equipement upgrades, reworked projectiles, compass system and more in addition of the usuals changes and fixes.

Let’s review all this in details into the following Patch Notes !



  • (Healing) Changed the healing particles when regenerating shield

  • (Optimisation) Made some optimisations to the spawn system to make it more efficient and fixed a problem that could cause the zombies to take a lot longer than exepected to spawn

  • (Optimisation) Improved multiple particle systems to be better looking and better performing

  • (UI) Made some changes to make some UIs more readables

  • (AI) Changed AI behavior to reduce the chances for them to ignore the player when spawning

  • (Crafting) Updated the crafts list with new ‘Upgrades’ items and rebalanced some crafts

  • (Crafting) Made some changes to the crafting UI


  • Fixed a major issue that could often cause some zombies to be invisible and ‘inactive’, blocking the game’s progression

  • Fixed some issues with the zombies spawning in incorrect locations

  • Pressing ‘Escape’ in the option menu will now properly close it

  • Fixed an issue where the player couldn’t use heals after interacting with grenades

  • Fixed some issues with the ‘healing tips’ when the player has low hp

  • Fixed some issues that could cause the player to take more damages from zombies than it should

  • Fixed various collisions issues occuring at some places

  • Fixed multiple issues with the Workbench

  • Fixed some issues with texts that could glitch out from their container or wasn’t properly aligned

  • Fixed multiple issues with the healing system

  • If zombies get stuck for a while, they will now respawn near the player

I hope you will enjoy to discover these new features, there is also a new small update (1.42.1) is currently planned in a few weeks !


  • Project Apocalypse - Pre-Alpha 1.42.0 186 MB
    Jan 26, 2022
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