Posted January 21, 2022 by The Naughty Captain
The posing for scene 12 is complete. So far, the renders look good enough.
I started working on the code for scenes 11 and 12 but I couldn't finish. I had to deal with a power failure in my neighbourhood that lasted most of today. As a consequence, I couldn't use my workstation to code or render.
Ultimately I grabbed pen and paper and started working on the first draft of scene 13. It's difficult to quantify how much I wrote and how much I'll keep from it. My manuscript is a total mess. I have long forgotten how it was to write and edit on paper. I'll have to report all of that in Scrivener and try to make something with it. All of my original ideas are in there but I may have to rework everything. But that's the first draft, that's how things work.
Anyway, power is back. I'll finish coding the script and send it for proofreading this weekend. I'll go back to writing scene 13 on Monday morning.
The quick sum up :
You can follow my progress with this Trello board!
Thank you very much for your support!
The Naughty Captain