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Short (late) New Years update!

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A downloadable game

Hey! Long time no see! First off, I'm sorry, I promised to release this update a couple of months after the last one and ended up taking till a bit past the new year. I don't really have an excuse, and I explain more of why I just abandoned this for half a year at the end of the demo, but basically...


Like... just ugh. Both in terms of my life and productivity. Transitioning from high school to getting a job has been a bit jarring for me, and I've been steadily realizing that I have chosen the wrong place to work at to top that off. And it's been deeply frustrating going back through my past work and realizing that, I just, aren't that good? It sucks having so many amazing ideas in my head and having them come out like this. Sometimes I get the occasional drawing or bit of writing that I'm satisfied with, but its so frustrating to try so hard so often to only to have it come out looking or sounding wrong again and again.

But I'm moving ahead, regardless, and I'm doing what I can to improve. For example, I've started looking for new work, opened a twitter account where I upload my drawings in the hopes of getting feedback, and I've been pushing myself to find more excuses to write (Like making more OCs, because enough is never enough lol). I hope this year is better, both for everyone, and for my pursuits.

Let me know what you thought of this small update, and give any feedback you might have please!

I also tried to add an android build, but renpy hates me apparently ^_^'


  • 229 MB
    Jan 19, 2022
  • 212 MB
    Jan 19, 2022
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