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Progress Report!

Falling Stars!
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

To let you know how work is coming on the next update, this is a list of new scenes that will be going in there and how many of them are completed so far.

Main Events: 2/4

House Show Matches: 0/3

Aya Events: 1/2

Mirai Events: 0/1

Saki Events: 0/2

Sunset Events: 0/1

Twins Events 0/2

Yuki Events: 1/2

Miscellaneous: 6/10

(Miscellaneous refers to smaller jobs like reworking bits of code, making new character models and smaller events like Taka Phone Calls and Sunset Road Stories)

I am hoping to get this ready to release around the first week or so of next month. This update will be smaller than the first one because putting out something that size every month just isn't realistic for me right now but this should still be a pretty decent sized chunk of content.

A couple of things to bear in mind, though :

1. I am VERY new at all this. I'm still learning how to do a lot of stuff, so sometimes things may be delayed slightly because I have to take some time to work out how to do something.

2. Now the game's out, I have to spend time promoting the thing and trying (begging) people to take a look at it as well as actually making it!

3. I have a full time job, so as much as I would love to give our girls every second of my attention, that just isn't an option, unfortunately.

So, if it ever seems like I'm slacking off, or that progress is going too slowly, you'll just have to trust me when I say that pretty much every spare second of my time goes on this game!

Now, with all that said, I'm fairly confident that a release in the first week or two of next month is realistic. I will be putting up these reports every sunday so you can all see how close we're getting. And if anyone wants to help things along, telling other people about this game and rating/reviewing it are things that are HUGELY helpful to me :)

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