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Update alpha 1.55

Field of Arms: Tactics
A downloadable game for Windows

Naval units improvements

We have been working on making naval units behave more like actual ships. Previously we were simulating naval movement on a plane. Now all naval units are actually floating on a water volume, with buoyancy and friction.

Changing sail speed will not happen instantly and instead will occur gradually, this also applies to dropping anchor. Players will have to take acceleration into account when maneuvering their ships. Ship turning is also affected by sail speed making bigger or closer circles to arrive at their destination. Each ship class has their own values of speed and turning.

The scale of the ships have been increased to a more realistic size, to keep a consistent size with the fortifications and environments. 

Health for all ships and fortifications was also increased, battles will take longer now.


The game now has an encyclopedia where you will find all the information about the units, their stats, and concepts of the game. This is a work in progress and is incomplete at the moment. Some units are missing and some documentation is not yet implemented in the game. We will continue to update it as we develop the game further.

Multiplayer Coop (Highly experimental, NOT RECOMMENDED)

An experimental mode is now available to play in co-op with both players in control of the same army, in order to do this you need to start a mission with “online ON” from the scenario selection menu. Then from the main menu other players can join by IP. The hosting player needs to have ports UDP 7777 open. At this moment this is only intended for test purposes, expect crashes and many bugs. Test at your own risk.

General fixes and changes

Fixed bugs related to units not responding immediately to movement orders when they were engaged in combat and improved the conditions for when a unit returns fire when set to aggressive behavior.

Cannonball speed is increased for artillery, forts, and ships, making these units deadlier, more accurate and realistic.

We reverted back to a default camera view instead of the “tilt shift” visual effect as some players found it difficult to view clearly. If you still want to check out the miniature effect you can swap it by pressing Z on the keyboard.

Future updates

Work on our second campaign is going smoothly. It is a historical fiction setting where you will play as a pirate crew bent on capturing an island over the course of 9 missions. We worked hard on making the location believable, with many landmarks and different sectors, rural, industrial, agricultural with a lot of mission variety including landing operations. In this campaign you will have fewer units but larger battle areas than the “Battle of Cartagena” campaign. Our main goal before the Steam release is to have this campaign ready to increase our mission count to 20+

Sandbox mode

Further down the line, we are working on a sandbox mode where you will play as a governor in the caribbean. In this mode, players start with one capital city and they will have to explore to find resources, construct buildings to extract them, in order to further improve their city and battle against enemy empires competing for these resources and cities.

Thank you for playing the game and staying in contact with us. We keep a close eye on all your suggestions.


  • Field of Arms Tactics 1.55a.rar 726 MB
    Jan 16, 2022
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