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How to install OBS Notifier (4.9.1 and 4.9.1-compat)

OBS Notifier
A downloadable tool for Windows

Installing the OBS Notifier

In short, you just need to install the obs-websocket plugin and download OBS Notifier.

To be notified when replays are saved, see the Replay Saved section at the bottom of this page.

Tip: If you need to view screenshots in full resolution, you can open them in a new tab.

Detailed Guide

1. Download and install obs-websocket:

for OBS 27

for OBS 28+

2. Enter a new password for the websocket server (right after installing the plugin, you can skip the first 2 marks and get into the obs-websocket settings window)

3. Download and unpack OBS Notifier v1.0.5 or lower: GitHub

4. Run OBS Notifier (you may need to unblock the file, but this is usually not required)

5. In OBS Notifier, enter the previously specified password and click Connect. You may also need to specify the ip:port if the port in the obs-websocket server settings window differs from the standard one in OBS Notifier. Just enter localhost:[port from server settings], e.g. localhost:4445

6. Change the settings at your own choice

7. Close the settings window. The application will remain in the tray.

That’s all you need for almost all available notifications to work.

“Replay Saved”

To see notifications about saving replays, you need to copy and replace obs-websocket.dll (for OBS 27) or obs-websocket-compat.dll (for OBS 28+) from the custom_libs folder to the /obs-plugins/64bit/ folder where obs and obs-websocket are installed. Don’t forget to close OBS before replacing the file.

Now you will be able to see notifications about saving replays

Download OBS Notifier
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