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0.7.7 - Misc Quality of Life + Fixes

A downloadable game for Windows


- Optional tile size readout when scaling tiles

- Added optional toggles for using the middle mouse button eyedropper & the automatic variant swapping

- Orbs now default to the top layer when placed

- Orbs & potions now snap to grid

- Implemented framework for a togglable decorate mode which will automatically anchor any placed decorations to a specified tile when enabled. Currently disabled player access until adequate UI.


- Gravity swapping now correctly only flips sprites on the vertical axis

- Orb line length is no longer capped shorter than screen width, accounting for clamped camera viewports that position the starting spawn point near the edge of the screen.

- Fixed bug where phantom decorations would persist if the phantom wall was left while already in the process of fading away (caused by manual restarting)

- When placing decorations, the tile underneath will no longer be super selected & override the the newly placed decorations selection

- Fixed bug where unanchored decorations weren't saving

- Typing numbers when assigning level highscores won't also select hotbar slots

- Fixed bug where editing levels sometimes wouldn't reset their beatable state


- 3 star time made easier for Abandoned Airways I

- Replaced Feathered Factory VII with a brand new level


  • 66 MB
    Jan 11, 2022
Download Murus
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