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Progress Update and New Screenshots

A downloadable game for Windows

Hey everyone!

With the main story complete I am focused on fixing bugs and making slight changes here and there. I'm also adding in the additional features that will help expand the scope of the game beyond just the main story. Health-wise I suffered a flare-up of a condition that I have, so that set me back a few days where I couldn't work on the game. But luckily I am getting better now and spent the late night hours adding in a Filters option in the main menu. It will allow the player to change the visual style of the game, including selecting my personal favorite, a black and white retro look. It will be unlocked as part of a short fetch quest in the game world. I also added in a secret location that will give you cheat codes. You can either seek it out to unlock the cheats, or completely ignore it. Knightblade is all about choices and exploration. I'll update further as development continues. I'm also gearing up to start the process of getting everything ready for Steam. The March launch date is coming fast!

Finally, with this post are some new screenshots! Just look at that retro black and white style in all it's glory.

Hope everyone had a great holiday season, til next time.


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