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Project Postmortem

Project Smol EXP
A downloadable game

This project was initially plan to make a proper prototype so that I could continued to develop into a small full game whether it's commercial or not. I was overestimate my own abilities and underestimate how hard it is to pave new path without proper guidance.

The project ended up being a successful tech demo instead, which will allow me to implement my next projects with more solid ground to work on.

I had learned to use blueprint visual scripting in Unreal Engine 4 in small sections that involved a lot of study, I understood the core concept of blueprint visual scripting so that I could continued to implement new features for my games. I learned about subset of core blueprint visual scripting such as animation workflow, artificial intelligent workflow, and blueprint interface.

There is also something important that we game developers tend to forgot about, the limitation of our bodies and minds.

Sometimes we planned things in advance with tight schedule, and sometimes it's appeared to be too tight, the work hours might even be higher than doing normal day-jobs which result in worse working condition than normal day-jobs.

That's why adding some fluid time between sleep hours(10-30minutes before and/or after), take your time for each meals, always spend some time with your family whenever you take a break, and help them doing stuffs in the house. The most important part is take your time taking shower or bath. Everything in life, there is no need to rush just take your time. It's the most efficient way to put your mind off from your projects. If you think these things taking too much time out of your projects then you might consider what else you do in the day that wasting your time. Of course I got distracted a lot whether by my own ideas, social medias, or just my own mental fatigue that made me hate the project I was working on.

There is one thing I should remind you, never quit playing games. As a fellow game developer I'm confident that only gamers fully understand the needs of gamers. I spent a lot of my free time playing games, though sometimes I got tired of games so I read manga, watch movies, etc. But overall it's not a good thing to quit something because you want to get real, it's the worst mindset I ever adopted once in a life time before realized that it's not worth considering opportunity loss and stuffs.

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