is community of indie game creators and players


The results of 2021!

A downloadable game

Everyone around is summing up the results of the year and we are no exception.

Let's start with the fact that it was this year that the project moved from prototype to production. And right now, almost half of the work is done, even though the project is extremely huge!

At the end of 2020, we had:

  • a concept document.
  • lore and bestiary.
  • the first version of the documentation for the main characters.
  • the name of the game and the concept of the seven deadly sins.
  • a scheme of our branching plot.
  • the layout of the interface was ready, as well as the text display.
  • a huge amount of enthusiasm and at the same time the understanding that you can't release a serious game alone, no matter how much you want.

During 2021 the team has been growing and is actively creating content.

  • The author of Tenebrae writes code, text, directs scenes and controls all processes, single-handedly funding the entire project.
  • The writer helped lay the foundations for the plot and tie the characters together with red threads of fate.
  • The “scenario doctor” constantly monitors the logic of the story and the accuracy of the facts. He also looks for weak points and helps to strengthen them.
  • The editor makes the text more artistic.
  • The proofreader and translator tidies up the finished text and immediately translates it into English.
  • The background artist has created half of the locations for the game in a year.
  • Since May, the sprite artist has managed to draw half of the main characters.
  • In the fall, we were joined by a CG artist who is helping to refine some of the backgrounds and is already working on illustrations.
  • Three musicians write amazing pieces for locations and characters.

Every day I want to thank fate for our dream team!

What we managed to create in 365 days:

  • A prototype of the plot with a detailed plan of 250 scenes.
  • The prototype of the game text - a million characters long - has passed through the hands of the scenario doctor and the editor's work is almost done with it.
  • The origin stories of the heroes and their motivation have been greatly improved, character traits are better emphasized. A voluminous document about all the heroes has been prepared.
  • Two of the twelve semantic blocks have been reworked, corrected and translated from Russian into English.
  • About 85% of the mechanics have been implemented. The whole code was written from scratch in Unity.
  • A huge number of TOR have been written for artists and musicians.
  • Almost all of the main characters have at least one music theme. Together with music for locations, we already have more than 20 pieces.
  • Almost half of the backgrounds (18 out of 37) are complete. And 15 of 34 sprites are ready.
  • The directing of scenes for the demo has begun.
  • Preparations for casting voice actors are almost complete. Four roles have already been approved in absentia: Charlie, Sylvan, Dante, Young.
  • We have registered and set up a page on Steam, as well as on
  • Pages have been created in almost all social networks and we regularly post about the game there. That includes Patreon and Boosty with paid additional content.
  • The first five hundred additions of the game to the Steam wishlist!

Our plans for 2022:

  • Add the remaining mechanics.
  • Make up the remaining game menus.
  • Engage in directing and sound design.
  • Cast the voice actors.
  • Before the summer, we plan to release a working demo with voice acting for 3-4 hours of reading.
  • Rework and translate almost all of the text.
  • Draw the rest of the backgrounds and sprites.
  • Complete 80% of the CG arts.
  • Launch fundraising at least for voice acting, so as not to slow down in development due to limited funding.

Many thanks to everyone interested in the project!

All of your likes and comments on social networks warm our hearts and motivate us to do more and better. And donations allow us to attract more people to the project, which speeds up the work and improves its quality.

Happy New Year, friends!

Lots of love, 

Tenebris Stories Team

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