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Dev Diary #2: Visual Development

A downloadable game

๐Ÿ” Dev Diary #2: Visual Development ๐Ÿ”

Developing games is pretty easy. You press 2-3 clicks and "JOB'S DONE!!!"

In today's Diary, we will go through a quick somewhat of a process... of defining... in really simple words, the Visual Development for Akiko (working title).

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Visual Language

Even though slight adjustments and revisions will occur by the end of Akiko's development (which is completely natural), we must find a direction and try to stick to it as much a possible. This section can be segmented into smaller components (character's state, time, place etc) that affect each stage of it. So, first of all, let's gather a "few" references.

Imagine what you are going to see and hear as soon as you enter its world. How is it going to speak to us? The colors, the location, the ambience (sfx), the wind and the temperature. Is it sunny? Can you feel that it is about to rain? Do you like those volumetric clouds (your GPU won't)? How would all these elements make you feel?

The world of Thrylethia* is enriched by vast seas, coral reefs, secluded coves, underground dungeons, hills, towns, and enough traces of valleys and forests. It is mostly influenced by the Mediterranean Biome/Ecosystem. The first (big) level could be divided into a variety of "feelings". Moments of comfort, clarity, uncertainty and more.

  • Comfort - You can find it mostly at your home, where you cook & rest.
  • Clarity - When you're traveling, above the seas. Clear your mind. Take a deep breath.
  • Uncertainty - Regions with high possibility of danger. Tougher creatures and fewer ways to rest.

*Thrylethia (three-lee-THEE-aa) is one of the biggest continents of Planet Apollonia. Its landmass spans mostly throughout a subtropical zone.

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Bright & saturated Blue & Green colors (including white, purple, yellow) will reign in most parts of this continent. They should feel like warmth! ฮ‘ proper sanctum where races & civilizations can flourish! A whimsical oasis where a huge portion of the gameplay is going to take place. An abundancy of resources, friendlier creatures and so forth.


On the other hand, Red could be coronated the villain in our Visual Language. Including darker, more gloomier, shades of teal/violet, they may introduce/express their own agenda. Vigilance, Danger, Distress!

They could also manifest aspects of the Gameplay. An expanding scourge that takes the form of a red soulless plague-like entity that asphyxiates any living matter. Or, huge ruby/emerald crystals that "emit evilness" wherever they are summoned, rendering life obsolete. Enemies, quests, recipes even your own powers could be altered & restricted.

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However, this doesn't mean that there won't be any kind of conflicts in the Blue-Green regions (Ayllia). Their threat/punishment levels will be lower. Players who enjoy a more laid-back experience, without the constant need to engage in battles, should invest most of their time in the first World. For them, the 2nd world (Scashee) could serve and remain as a distant "eerie" reverie. The alluring exotic unknown. Still, they are going to miss out on certain things. New recipes, quests, seeds, ingredients, companions and so on. Exploring it all by yourself has to feel demanding. At this moment I'd like to state that adding a Co-op Mode in the game would be PERFECT. It is more convenient to get out of your comfort zone when you have your friends by your side. Sharing the loot, or fighting over it, is extremely entertaining. Unless you're an army all by yourself.

We could balance this void with a number of ways.

  • Create an in-game global trading system. Players could sell/buy items. Maybe with a few limitations.
  • An asynchronous Player-based Quest System. Set up your mission, bounty and deadline, and let other players complete them.
  • NPCs, at random times, could sell Red Region items at their stores for really high prices.
  • Time-limited Portals that open at certain areas where players could harvest, hunt and scavenge Red Region items. If you don't make it on time, good luck!

The contrast between these 2 palettes should be considerable. In a sense, the first one would make you feel appreciative of its pleasantness. Yearn it if you've been away from it for too long. Meanwhile, venturing into the Red Regions would require a lot of planning. Preparing meals, concocting potions and packing necessary herbs that will help you survive, giving cooking another extra meaning (besides selling them in shops for profit).

Edible/consumable items (meals, potions etc) will offer a variety of different buffs and attributes. On some occasions even negative ones. It will be fantastic if players would be able to sell their best-made (refrigerated) meals to other players who focus only in the fighting part.

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Objects won't be affected by any excessive exaggerated shapes. HOWEVER... yes, this won't apply in the Red regions. The land there will be hostile, barren with spiky rocks, obscure flora, and tiny introverted creatures that will cower inside their lairs.

To conclude, our main "materials" will be Wood, Stone, Metal, and many hints of Glass & Plastic.

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PS: All references belong to their respective creators!

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