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PostJam Edition is here!

Varmints! - Accessibility Update!
A browser game made in HTML5

Updated my (relatively incomplete) jam entry!

Changes include:

  • Overhauled sound effects
  • Wave-based high score chasing arcade loop is properly set up
  • functional pause screen!
  • Options menu to control sound and music
  • oh yeah there's music now!
  • Particle effects galore
  • Added an indicator for which varmint the camera is following and the ability to shift its focus
  • Improved the skeleman animation
  • Added a hit animation and sound to all enemies, I can't decide if Morio's or the skeleman's is my favorite 
  • Increased size of varmint's projectiles, and now they can shoot through walls and have a greater period of time where they won't kill other varmints
  • Pailers now have a random number of bullets when they spawn
  • Each model of enemy gets unique stat modifiers at random when they spawn
  • rebalancing of all enemy types
  • Spawning animation and sound make it very clear when new enemies are showing up - i hope...
  • Fixed teleportation (should no longer be able to teleport into walls)
  • probably a bunch of others as well, 

Immediate plans:

  • Fix enemy weapons rotating in a ridiculous way
  • finally add object pooling, a revamp i've been putting off since midway through the jam
  • UI Polish (fix options screen background in game, add sounds, etc.)
  • Visual indicator when teleport is available instead of it just being a sound cue
  • visual indicator of the fail state
  • some slight knockback to enemies - witch and beamer on hit animations need to be cleaned up also
  • Revamped skeleman spawning - currently you have about a 50% chance of spawning one on death (down from 100% in the jam version). I plan to make it so enemies will sometimes drop a pickup, and each time a varmint dies if you have a bone it'll guarantee spawn a skeleman. This should encourage even more active movement around the map, though if no base % chance remains the difficulty will increase quite a bit
  • pitchfork using enemy type (forker), more dynamic enemy spawning (current system doesn't offer enough control)

Future plans:

  • pickups/powerups, potentially alternative weapons
  • alternate varmint colors (unsure if just cosmetic or not)
  • continue to revamp death animation
  • several new farmer weapons
  • revamp dude farmer animations 
  • make and implement my own tileset
  • design and implement my own witch sprite
  • compose a main theme for the game
  • a real tutorial to introduce the game properly

My plan is to iterate on this until I have a pretty satisfying arcade mode, then either start a new project or go ahead and start adding more levels, making it a roguelite, that kind of thing.

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