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Geometry Clash
A downloadable game


  •  Created a way to store levels in the form of text files to easily create more levels in the future.
  • Created a bullet emitter for the enemies to have interesting and complex bullet patterns.
  • Level and upgrade menu are intuitive and smooth.
  • The low-poly aesthetic of the game goes well with the color palette we picked.
  • Abilities and upgrades add a more interesting and fun element to the game.


  • Since it is our first time working on a mobile game, we had some trouble figuring out why some bugs were present in the android build but not in unity.
  • We were cutting it close on the deadline because we failed to see how much work actually needed to be done. Since this project has a lot of parts that depend on and interact with each other, we did not anticipate having to account for the interaction between each and every object.
  • Since we do not have much experience with level design, the levels in the game may be repetitive or unfun although we did try to vary the enemies each level. We hope that the upgrades in the shop would alleviate the monotony.

What we learned:

  • We learned how to develop in a way that allows each group member to work on the game without interfering with each other as well as keeping merge conflicts at the minimum.
  • Better at prioritizing certain deliverables to create a minimum viable product instead of tunnel-visioning on an extraneous feature.
  • We now better understand developing for a mobile platform in terms of how touches are registered and how limited the controls are for a mobile player.

Future Revision:

  • We hope to add more levels with a wider variety of normal enemies and bosses.
  • Infinitely scalable difficulty and upgrades so the player can play as much as they want to.
  • Procedurally generated levels.
  • Level editor so players can create their own stages.
  • More interesting upgrades and abilities.
  • More particle effects to show that the player is moving
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