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Dont Die 3.1 Update

Dont Die
A downloadable game for Windows

A deceptively large update, not because of the huge arena addition, but because I added a single new music track. As well as quite a few but fixes.


  • Added a new Arena game mode to the opening menu
  • Added snowballs, can be obtained from a bucket of snow
  • Added Snowmen, can be built with buckets of snow
  • Added Dark hood
  • Added a fools hat to the throne room
  • Human NPCs will now scream when attacked
  • Completely redesigned the options menu
    • Added the option to hide the Hud
  • Player will now get out of bed if they are dehydrated
  • Healing at beds and altars is now based on percentage of max health rather than a flat amount (this is to make healing times consistent and not take forever if you have high HP,  functionally you shouldn't notice a difference)
  • Magic regenerates based on a percentage of your maximum magic now (functionally this makes magic regeneration slightly stronger at higher magic levels, but no difference at lower levels)

Bug Fixes:

  • Armor stands HP bar is now visible
  • Wooden swords give melee exp correctly now
  • [Spoiler] gives melee exp correctly now
  • Dragonfire now melts all held buckets of snow instead of just one
  • Fixed unicorn wand holding graphic from facing the wrong way
  • Fixed a barrel that was duplicating items

That's it for the 3.1 update. Take some time to check out the Arena mode, it's fairly new so I'm looking to flesh it out with more options and challenges. I'm sure it will have bugs and errors. Feedback would be greatly appreciated.

The hell stuff is going slow since I'm sort of just taking my time with these updates. but every release gets us closer to that end goal. Also Don't Die's 1 year anniversary is approaching. I'll do a review of the project near the end of January, and determine where the future of the project is heading.



  • Dont Die 3.1.exe 69 MB
    Dec 16, 2021
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