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Playtest Feedbacks

Tarot Academy
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

After the first playtest, we ran across a few issues with the rules. The problem with the original card rules was that the play testers’ only logical way to play the game was to be on defense the entire time as opposed to switching to offense.

Initially, the rules were as follows:

‘When the battle begins, there are 22 major arcana for players to choose as their “heroes” with special abilities. The rest of 56 minor arcana cards will be labeled as four different attributions- wands, cups, swords and pentacles. The four attributes have a cycle of mutual restraint. The restraint cycle goes like this: water (Cups) will restrain fire (Wands), fire (Wands) will restrain wind (Swords), wind (Swords) will restrain earth (Pentacles), and earth (Pentacles) will restrain water (Cups). The attacking sequence is decided by the sum of all the major arcana in one player’s team, and the one with the smaller sum goes first. When one attribute gets restrained by the other, the attack value on the card will be reduced by the attack value on the other card. After calculation on all of the cards, the remaining attack value will be executed on the major arcana.’ The problem with the previous rule was that it took too long for players to reach a conclusion. The resulting question that needed answering was how do players define their turns? How can we make the game more interesting, since both players can predict the move of the opponent? Some play testers were bored with the rules, as they expressed that there is too much information and rules given to both players. The concern was that it was not too necessarily about strategy anymore, because there was an endless amount of refill (2 cards) after the players had three cards left. Therefore, a play tester suggested that refilling cards should be a choice, and that players can forfeit their turn for a chance to refill. A few play testers also expressed that there is not enough player activity, given they only have as many cards as the deck randomly gives.

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