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Alpha 5.2 Moats and Marshes

Castle Constructor (Demo)
A browser game made in HTML5

Castle Constructor Alpha 5.2 has been released. This update brings in both the new moat block and the new marsh terrain as well as improved targeting of enemies. Moats can be placed on flat ground and will slow down any enemy trying to pass through it. In addition while doing so soldiers will have a chance of tripping and falling down, giving your towers even more time to take them out. Marshes are a new ground tile. They will let enemies pass through but they keep you from building on that tile. The only way around that is to use the Vault blocks which can be placed on marsh. Be aware though, if the vault gets destroyed the whole tower will end up collapsing.

Besides these additions, towers are now better at choosing which enemy to target first and they are more accurate when trying to hit enemies that are climbing. There are also some good performance improvements, some smaller changes, and several bug fixes. For more details check out the full list below.

Additions and Changes:

  • New Moat block. Moats slow down enemies and can cause them to trip as they walk through it. (Replaces the Cheval De Frise.)
  • New Marsh ground. Enemies can walk through marsh but you are unable to build on them unless you use a Vault.
  • Added 3 new levels that use the new marsh tiles.
  • Greatly improved targeting priority. Towers are much better at determining which enemies to target first.
  • Removed the limit on climbing height. Enemies will now climb over taller towers than before.
  • Improved tower aiming at enemies that are climbing up blocks. Towers are much better at hitting them now.
  • Greatly Improved soldier performance. There is now much less of a fps hit from having a large number of soldiers on screen.
  • Slightly improved performance of ranges. Rotating the camera while placing a block with range should have much better performance.
  • Added a new option to hide unplayable cards during a wave. This way you can see all your action cards and easily play them.
  • (Endless) Added a display for how much gold you will earn next wave.
  • (Endless) Destruction tool is now available in endless mode.
  • Adjusted the destruction tool cursor to make it clearer where it is pointing.


  • Arrow slits can no longer shoot straight up to hit enemies on top of them.
  • Update Archer block description to include that height improves its accuracy.
  • Fixed enemies that fell down sometimes being unable to stand back up.
  • Fixed paths sometimes changing when a ram was killed.
  • Fixed a minor pathfinding issue on the River Delta level near one of the bridges.
  • Reduced the chances of an enemy getting stuck between blocks.
  • (Campaign) The clear ground button can now be clicked while the new pack selection screen is open.
  • Fixed creative mode 'tutorial' not being cleared when leaving creative mode.
  • Fixed the card selection highlight not properly being reset between levels.
  • Siege towers should no longer clip into the keep instead of setting up against it.


  • Castle Constructor Demo Alpha 5.2 103 MB
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  • Castle Constructor Demo Alpha 5.2 59 MB
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  • Castle Constructor Demo Alpha 5.2 86 MB
    Dec 11, 2021
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