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Big update

Journey for the Time Rocks
A browser journey made in HTML5

heyyy update came out, play it please I worked very hard

i'll edit this devlog tomorrow, its literally 5:45 am please help


ALRIGHT. It's no longer 5:45 AM. And that means it's devlog time. Any time that isn't 5:45 AM is devlog time.

So what's new in the latest Journey for the Time Rocks update?

PLACES and PEOPLE. The classic PP combo. There are new places, and within those places, there are new people to speak to. Incredible stuff, truly.

You mentioned places? I love going places!

The rumours are true. The number of places has risen. Before, the only places available to the player in the Past section of the game were like, the main street, and the two little bits of land next to it. Not anymore, fool! Players can now access the full map. This includes Neato Beach, Nice Nice Mountains, Fruity Woods, the Nicetown Museum (under construction), the Money Store, and the super duper secret area where the game ends!

I liked talking to nobody, but if you're adding people, you might as well tell me more.

A lot of progress has been made in the people department. While the places are complete, the people are not right now. Places still feel a little devoid of folks. Of course, those who enjoy talking to nobody may like that, but not me. I will be adding additional bonus NPCs to spruce up places with witty banter, including funny guys, funny girls, and funny non binary individuals. These characters will be bonus treats for the brains of gamers. For now though, all important NPCs have been added to the video game. The player can begin the game and end the game through the power of talking to these folks.

Give me a TL;DR because I'm lazy!

Okay, just for you. Basically, all places? Added. All important NPCs? Added. Bonus supplementary NPCs? Not added yet, but will be soon.

Please play my game I worked hard on it haha


  • journey_for_the_time_rocks_wip3_completed_for_now.html 275 kB
    Dec 09, 2021
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