is community of indie game creators and players


In The Beginning...

Click the Ghosts
A downloadable game for Windows

Once upon a time, there was a person named [REMOVED] that was required to make a game in scratch to pass their class.

This game was named clicker, and in this game you had to use your mouse to click on some little ghosts floating around the screen.

Later, after the class was passed, he then revisited the project to remake it in something a bit better, Game Maker 8.

After all was said and done, the project was put down for like a year, before being re-revisited and ported to Gamemaker Studio 1.4, where there was actual gameplay included, (instead of the same 2 levels and a boss, over and over.)

Eventually, Kars stopped thinking, and this page came to exist.

Ghosts git repository

Yeah, that's all, adios.


  • Click The Ghosts (HTML) 3.6 MB
    Version 2
  • Click The Ghosts (Windows) 4.8 MB
    Version 2
Download Click the Ghosts
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