is community of indie game creators and players


1.3 v12.2021

A downloadable launcher for Windows

1.3 v12.2021.1

Changes from v11.2021.1:

New Features:

- The Asset SDK Asset Localizer is now known as the Asset Fixer!

- Added the ability to "fix" all asset URLs by changing them to a URL of your choice!

- The Asset SDK's Asset Fixer now properly supports fixing the URLs inside of scripts.

- Added T-Shirt support to 2007E/2007E-Shaders.

- T-Shirts with Roblox Asset URLs/Redirects are not supported due to 2 issues with 2007e: Roblox Asset URLs/Redirects do not work properly in 2007E if it's a texture and using anything to get the current texture value for a ShirtGraphic or Decal returns a "bad cast" error.

- As a result, T-Shirts with Roblox Asset URLs/Redirects will not load in 2007e.

- Added ClientScript Variables:

- %tshirttexid%, %shirttexid%, %pantstexid%, %facetexid% - Returns the texture URL for the respective online clothing type. Returns nothing if the URL is invalid, the item isn't using Online Clothing, or %localizeonlineclothing% is not defined in the script.

- %tshirttexidlocal%, %shirttexidlocal%, %pantstexidlocal%, %facetexlocal%" - Returns the texture rbxasset URL for the respective online clothing type. Returns nothing if the URL is invalid, the item isn't using Online Clothing, or %localizeonlineclothing% is not defined in the script. Only the client who downloads the clothing would be able to see it. 

- %localizeonlineclothing% - Grabs texture IDS for the %texid% variables and localizes the texture for the %texidlocal% variables. This WILL increase load times of your client depending on how many items are being downloaded.

- %newgui% - Returns if the 2011L interface is enabled on 2011M clients. Can be used as a toggle switch for other client-side CoreScript features.

- Users may now use a image URL to load custom icons.

- Icons loaded from a URL will show up for all players.

- Added the ability to assign a custom client EXE name in the Client SDK.

- Server hosters and map authors may now insert a "DisableCustomization" object into Lighting that will disable player customizations. DisableCustomization may also be removed to re-enable player customizations.

- 2011M's GUI is now more accurate to when it released (Mid June 2011).

- You can re-enable the previous GUI by going into Novetus' settings.


- The Bootstrapper now creates error logs of its own.

- Added an additional warning about certain GUI elements being disabled in later clients when No3D is selected.

- Novetus no longer requires the Script MD5 when generating a clientinfo.nov.

- Placed the %port% ClientScript variable into the Server category.

- The server browser no longer requires a server to be the same exact version as the current running version of Novetus.

- The server browser now displays versions in red if they're not the same exact version.

- The master server security warning will now show up once for every Novetus session.

- Novetus now bases your tripcode off of your computer's hardware information. (Powered by

- The Client SDK now has specific version numbers for each clientinfo version.

- Made the Client Description and Warning fields larger in the Client SDK.

- The Client Description field now resizes with the rest of the Client SDK window.

- 2006S and 2006S-Shaders now use "PlayerHopper" instead of "Backpack" for compatibility with 2006 levels.

- All customization items are now named properly in 2006S-2007M.

- Studio can now be launched alongside other game types and clients.

- Universal maps are now categorized based on client optimizations.

- Clearing asset cache now properly clears the folder.

- Rise of the Killbots: The Killbots' behaviors will now more accurately depict the Killbots from Rise of the Killbots: MEMORY ERROR.

- Added the ability to reset graphics settings.

- Pressing the ESC key in 2011M with the 2011L UI on will open up the main menu.

- Disabled Server Notifications by default.

- Added 2009E-HD's rocket launcher to the 3D Avatar Preview.


- Fixed the URL Override box in the Asset SDK not being functional.

- Fixed logging for most Novetus applications.

- Fixed a bug in all clients where kicking a player would kick the entire server.

- Fixed a crash that occured in 2010L after kicking a player.

- Fixed small decoding issues with the splash system.

- Fixed the Stylish interface not showing a warning when hosting a seperate master server.

- Fixed the Stylish interface not pinging the master server.

- Fixed some clients not functioning properly with Wine (Credits to man-of-eel in pull request #27).

- Fixed small issues with tripcodes.

- Fixed a bug where Novetus would switch the style to Stylish even after saving.

- Fixed compatibility with 1.2.3 clientinfo.nov files in the Client SDK.

- Fixed Santa's Winter Stronghold.

- Fixed missing assets in some Universal maps.

- Fixed the config overriding values whenever there's an error.

- If a value is detected as an error, it will be overriden with the defaults.

- Fixed a bug where the Play and Versions tabs can be filled up with repeated entries in the Stylish style.

Lite version changes:

- Removed the following clients:

- 2007M

- 2008M

- Client Script Tester

- Removed the following SDK tools:

- Roblox Legacy Place Converter

- Roblox Script Generator

- Client Script Tester

- Removed .NET Framework 2.0 dependency.

- Removed the soundtrack.


  • Novetus (Stable) 742 MB
    Version 1.3 v12.2021.1
  • Novetus (Stable, Lite) 368 MB
    Version 8
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