is community of indie game creators and players


Devblog 6

[Group 15] WYDT
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Hi folks… I mean fans, I’ve you’ve been an active follower of our blogpost you’ve noticed that we’ve almost achieved what we set out for. This is currently the second week of our third and final production sprint, meaning that next week you’ll see the last new features :S. You won't be sad for much longer though seeing we’ve made some awesome improvements in this week.

Player Of The Month System

Isn’t it nice when all pieces are finally coming together, I mean you can get a status symbol just from playing our game. One of our programmers took the time to implement this system, the system makes us of data serialization, which is just a fancy word for writing a file :D. The winning player is simply writen away to a file, and loaded in when we start a new round, to display the previous winner in a glorious fashion.


Another thing that was long due was the round system, we finally added this in. The player is made aware of this by the round timer on the top the screen. When the round ends the employee of the month should be displayed, the only thing left is for us to link those systems.

Supervisor AI

This is part two of the three of our supervisors AI, since last week we’ve added the spot functionality to the supervisor’s AI. The supervisor now notices when a player is up to no good, and will proceed to move to that player, that being said we can start working on the final piece of the puzzle which is essentially adding in our wanted “penalty behavior”. We now make the spotting obvious to the player by playing the spotted animation, the third part will be concluded by adding the spotted particle above the supervisor, followed by the knocked animation upon reaching the player.


We are not going to hide the fact that we had to spend some time to do fixes, no code is perfect. The main fixes we had to do were revolving around the sabotaging.

Force feedback

Just a minor change, but picking up items now gives you a force feedback :D.


Since last week, we now have added the telephone, archive lockers and binders. The telephone is a new interactable, while the rest is decoration for the level.


A whole lot more particle where added this week like:” a sabotage particle, a ringing phone particle, sprinkling water particle, sweeping broom particle and walking particle ”. These were all added to make tasks and general actions clearer!


This week we made the animation for when the player got hit by the other players or the supervisor if you were naughty. We now also have the animation to interact with the phone when it rings.

Main menu

We now finally have a main menu. You have the option to play the game, to learn about  the mechanics in the tutorial, check the credits and ofcourse to quit the game. The buttons will have some spacing in between later.

See you next week !

In a nutshell, we’ve now laid all the final straws, and we’ve still got one week to connect some dots, followed by two weeks of intense polishing.

Yours truly, WYDT team !

Download [Group 15] WYDT
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