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Post 11: Optional Cloakless Colonials & Reforged Warden Helmet

Hey guys, it's been awhile, but honestly there hasn't been anything to retexture in terms of new uniforms and vehicles for each faction since they added the new uniforms and vehicles, but I decided it would be time give y'all some options to make the mod stand out more from default Foxhole. One of these things is a returning optional variant I had before the new uniforms were introduced and the other is something I've wanted since I first started the mod. So below you'll see screenshots of the returning Cloakless Colonial Uniform and the new Reforged Warden Helmet (which is derived from older Foxhole concept art):

Thanks to Wolfgang.IX for making these both possible, especially that custom helmet for the Wardens, it came out nicely. Wolfgang's mods can be found here for those who are interested. Both mods can of course be used by themselves in default Foxhole, the only issue at the moment is that the Cloakless Colonial Uniform has a very slight bug when it comes to carrying critically wounded or downed players, but I assure you it isn't some crazy issue and will hopefully be fixed soon.

For anyone interested below you can see what concept art that was used as reference for the helmet in this mod as well as how it looks up close. And as a bonus, some art of what a Warden soldier in my mod looks like.


  • Cloakless Colonials (Optional) 432 kB
    Nov 23, 2021
  • Reforged Warden Helmet (Optional) 2 MB
    Nov 23, 2021
Download The Legions of Conquest & An Empire Reforged | A Foxhole Reskin Mod
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