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Paper Story v1.2.4

Paper Story
A downloadable RPG

Updated v1.2.4:

  • Amended error in Initiative; enemies never get the first turn, they just get First Strikes.
  • Added alternative use for SP to boost checks, and clarified more about the uses of SP.
  • Amended Stylish Moves to fit the current flow of action better.
  • Buffed various Badges to make them more generally effective.
  • Made some small adjustments to the Partner System, providing more ways to recover HP and adjusting some Badge effects.
  • Added I Spy, Spin Smash and Dizzy Attack from Paper Mario as Badges.
  • Added Poison Touch and Disarming Smash as new Badges to provide access to Lingering and Disabled statuses.
  • The Secure Technique Trait now operates on Grades of Success.
  • The Random Technique Trait now has no minimum effectiveness; Random x3 still allows for a 1/6 chance to succeed.
  • Various other minor adjustments to Technique Traits.

Most of the above are fairly minor adjustments, though the new use for SP should make high rolls more satisfying.

What may be more controversial is Secure seeing a pre-emptive nerf, requiring multiple Grades of Success to defend against attacks multiple.
This takes it away from how it's represented in the original games, but brings it more in line with similar traits that request checks - before, Secure just triggered on a *Nice* result and made you completely invulnerable. I'm hoping that this change makes it more interesting and satisfying to use effectively.

Finally, Badges are now more generally useful, which should make them more rewarding without placing too many arbitrary restrictions on their use. There's two new Badges to consider, Poison Touch and Disarming Slam. These aren't especially wild and should hopefully fit in, they're just intended to give players access to more status effects - everything was available but Disorient, Lingering and Disable, so it made sense to finish the set.


  • Paper Story Bundle (includes editable docs) 14 MB
    Nov 22, 2021
  • Paper Story (v1.2.4).pdf 9 MB
    Nov 22, 2021
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