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Win and Lose Scenes Added

Space Escape
A browser game made in HTML5

To add a bit more polish to our game, I created win and lose screens to show the player the result of their gameplay. I wanted these screens to have a bit of an arcade game feel with the 8 bit text and square buttons. If the player is runs out of time before they can open the escape pod doors, they are taken to the lose screen where they see their ship blown to bits. However, if they complete all the tasks in time and safely reach the escape pod doors, they are greeted by the win screen! Additionally, I added a screen fade animation that plays before the scene switches; there's a sleek fade to black to segway into the scene, and if the player loses, they hear an explosion sound as the screen fades. 

I'm happy to say I had little trouble implementing these screens code wise. My experience in my UI/UX classes really helped me. I can tell I've learned a lot this year regarding game design, and I hope the game reflects that!

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