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DD n°5: The Fall of The Old Kingdom Part 2(2200BC)

Rise and Fall: Bronze Age
A downloadable game for Windows

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What makes the date of 2200 BC so rich is the number of choices you will be presented with. There are no less than four factions that you can play to reunite Egypt.

Last time we saw the heirs of Pepi II. In addition to this path, there are three others. After the death of Merenre II, the heir of Pepi II, Upper Egypt will suddenly become independent, and you will be left with the choice of playing Nekhen's territory, or Uaset's territory, or to stay as the head of Egypt.

Nekhen and Uaset will aim to reunite Upper Egypt on their own behalf. But if Uaset will be in a pure race for the throne, Nekhen is different. Indeed, after the secession of Upper Egypt, a coup will take place in Men-nefer. The prince of Atef-Khent will then take the throne, and will send a governor to control the south. You will be given the choice of accepting the governor, leaving you with Ankhtifi as your ruler, or refusing him. This will also affect your relationship with Atef-Khent and the aftermath. For if you refuse, you will follow a similar path to Uaset, that of pure hegemony in Upper Egypt. On the other hand, with Ankhtifi, you will be given the choice, once you have reconquered Upper Egypt to border Atef-Khent, to submit to them. You will then play Atef-Khent and annex Nekhen. If you refuse, you will then become Upper Egypt and proclaim your right to the throne.

If you refuse to play Nekhen or Uaset, then you may suffer the event of the Atef-Khent coup. If you refuse, you will continue with the heirs of Pepi II and Middle Egypt will secede, with Atef-Khent owning half of it. On the other hand, if you accept, you will then play Atef-Khent, controlling the lands between the middle of Middle Egypt up to and including Men-nefer. With Atef-Khent, your objective will be to reconquer Lower Egypt while you send Ankhtifi to subdue Upper Egypt. But if you don't succeed in recapturing Lower Egypt quickly enough, Ankhtifi may betray you if he defeats Uaset and conquers all the lands between him and you. More importantly, by controlling the lands around Fayum, you will interact with the Libu tribes, being able to use them to repopulate your lands, ally with them and use them in your military expeditions. However, all your choices will have consequences, so it's up to you to choose wisely.

Next time we will see the next date and the conclusion of the First Intermediate Period.

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