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"Yet Another Platforming Challenge" pre 0.1 Release

Yet Another Platforming Challenge
A downloadable game for Windows

Version: Indev 0.1 Release

Well finally got a project out. After all these years of focusing making my own stuff and finally have something and it feels real good. But enough lets focus on the project at hand.  Also the attach video is both the first devlog for the game and kind of a lets play of it.

This platformer/puzzle game was initially a simple test to learn the godot engine to see if I can make a character jump around a couple of platforms. After that I started adding additional components which changed up the game into something fun. After a month I still want to add new stuff to it so decided to release it as a game to see if anyone is interested in playing it other then myself.

Sorry I'm new to doing blogs so I'm not entirely sure what to add so lets talk about just talk about the project at hand.

This project is pretty much a simple platformer that contains puzzle sections. The player goal is to overcome these sections and to gain a simple trophy. This concept is rather simple but it means I can play around with the concept and take it in multiple directions including allowing the player to go off the beaten path to challenge them self to a way harder platforming section and/or puzzle section. This will make more since next update. Let's talk about features.

Basic Player Movement

The player can move left, right and jump. The player can also climb walls as well.

Left Key: Move Left

Right Key: Move Right

Z Key: Jump

Left + Z:  Climb Wall

Right + Z:  Climb Wall


  1. Crystals
  2. Silver Medals
  3. Trophy

Level Hazards

  1. Spikes
  2. SpearsMoving Platforms
  3. Buzz Saws
  4. Guns/Canons
  5. Drones
  6. Turtles
  7. Lazer 

Puzzle Components

  1. Switch
  2. Doors
  3. LazerSwitchs

Save Points

Added several section in the scene the first section is kind of a linear tutorial. Once you get passed the lazer puzzle trap the path does split into 2 different sections. Right now the only one that works is the lazer maze section.  This is pretty much sums up what is in the project currently. By next update the map should be expanded by quite a bit maybe another component if I have time but my main focus is getting the map done. Well see y'all in the next update.


  • 13 MB
    Nov 16, 2021
Download Yet Another Platforming Challenge
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