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Mac version is built with UPDATE 1

[LD41] City^3
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

The Mac version is just built using my laptop in company. Yay!

I fixed general some bugs and rendering issues (seems happened on MAC only), which I named as UPDATE 1. UPDATE 1 won't be applied on Windows version until I get back home from work and see if everything works fine on Windows.

== UPDATE 1==

  • Reduced the lightmap size on MAC
  • Fixed the 'BIG ROUND CIRCLE SHADOW' problem on MAC
  • Fixed the issue that 'block stacks' may not update merging status when stacks around are merged.
  • Fixed the issue that sometimes the terrain and grids cannot be loaded properly


  • City3-mac-compo (w/ update-1) 23 MB
    Apr 23, 2018
Download [LD41] City^3
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