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Alpha 3 - Style system, new rooms, Graviton ability

A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

A new update with two new areas, a new ability for the Vanguard and the Style system.

Complete changelog:

feat(player, ui): style system - used for slowdowns and defense. Gain style by using different abilities and killing many enemies in sequence 
feat(level): object spawners - script to generate objects and enemies. Has options for rate of spawn, line of sight avoidance and despawn points 
feat(level): suspended crates - moving platforms 
feat(level): pipes - routinely spawns enemies 
feat(ui): the pause menu
feat(ui): mouse sensibility option in the options menu 
feat(vanguard): the graviton ability - projectile that pulls enemies to its center 
feat(level): suspended chasm area 
feat(player): falling area system - falling from the map now causes 2 damage to the player and respawns them near the fall 
feat(level): fall areas now kill enemies
feat(enemy): megadrone enemy - a bigger, stronger version of the drone 
feat(level): suspended chasm finished 
feat(level): the factory floor
refactor(weapons): attacks can now be traced to the original agressor using unityactions
refactor(ui): menu divided into main menu and pause menu 
refactor(weapon): weapons now divided into projectile and hitscan 
refactor(weapon): explosion's center rate is now modifiable 
change(vanguard): increased the frontal shield's duration to 6 seconds 
change(ui): aesthetic differences between passives and actives
change(level): enemies attacks can't trigger buttons anymore
change(ninja): shotgun model slightly lowered
change(ninja): grappling hook cooldown increased to 4 seconds, but it resets when Style is over 80% 
asset(sfx): charge impact sfx 
asset(sfx): graviton sfx 
asset(sfx): laser cannon sfx fix(vanguard): charge sound playing infinitely 
fix(sfx): some sounds aren't affected by the sound volume 
fix(weapon): knockback works better now
fix(level): levels can now properly get backtracked
fix(ninja): grappling hook sometimes makes the player levitate 
fix(ui): loadout manager open at the start 


  • Kinetic Alpha 3 30 MB
    Nov 15, 2021
  • Kinetic Alpha 3 45 MB
    Nov 15, 2021
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