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Meowmeow Space Station
A downloadable game for Android


Our successes include Jasmine laying down a solid basis for the main mechanic of the game, which is walking on the walls and the different gravity systems implemented. This was established in our game relatively quickly, which helped the rest of the game development narratively and mechanically. Additionally, we moved through ideas fast and settled on a final concept that we both like. 

- Setbacks

We had some technical problems in the beginning that everyone else had with linking the Oculus to Unity for playtesting, but after that got figured out there were not that many technical issues. We had some bugs along the way that were identified during playtests, but some new ideas stemmed from them so problems turned into inspirations. 

- Lessons Learned

We had a different initial concept behind the narrative for the game, but we moved past it for time saving’s sake because it would complicate mechanics needed/puzzles etc. I wanted to create some more puzzles for the game, but didn’t have time to make anything complicated, especially when we focused more on worldbuilding.

- Next Steps

Some next steps would be to create more complex puzzles for the player, and to expand the playspace without sacrificing fast processing graphics. This would be to further develop a sense of exploration and discovery for the player. Additionally, it would give us opportunities to develop a deeper story for the game. Playing around with different gravity systems would be fun as well.

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