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Switching creatures!

A browser game made in HTML5

Hey there!
I am greenpixels and welcome to the second devlog of ComCreatures.

What have I worked on?
In my last devlog I talked about implementing the professor an his sprites in the next update, but other things took priority. The standard sprite for the professor is completly finished, but I'd love for him to have a variety of face sprites when using the textbox. But that I will do in a later update. Now, in THIS update I have heavely focused on a proper user interface and removing hardcoded snippets. It may not look like much, but comCreatures are now a data structure continaing tons of information - with more to come. With that I could finally work on a button list, which allows you to switch between your currently active creature. Have a little peek:

What's next?
The next step is to use this button list and make more out of it. I want to implement and items/consumables that use the same list-system. After that, I want to take a look at merging two creatures, making a new one out of them. I've also stashed up a lot of other ideas on my trello-board and can't wait to try them out. Stay tuned!

That's it for the second devlog! 

Thank you very much for reading and until next time.

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