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Game announcement - Infiltraliens

A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Hello everyone!

We recently launched the early-alpha build of our very first game; Infiltraliens!

The game has been in production for less than a month and it is finally shaping up to become a fun game. There are, however, bugs and the current gameplay is not final.

In Infiltraliens, you are an alien that is on a mission to rescue his fellow aliens who are captured, from somewhere called Place 52. Your goal is to clear each level and rescue all your friends!

Currently, there is 1 level to play (and we would love it if you left a review about that) but there are many more levels and interesting gameplay elements in development. For instance, we are planning to make more than 10 levels and will add more mechanics to the alien like dashing forward or grabbing items to do interesting things with.

We are continuously iterating on our game by testing ourselves, our peers and the target players.

Keep up to date on our game Infiltraliens via our channels:



Until next time!

Salt Grain Studio | Seasoned Gaming


  • Infiltraliens 40 MB
    Nov 12, 2021
Download Infiltraliens
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