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Mobsteroids Vendetta In Development

Mobsteroids Vendetta
A downloadable game for Windows

This is merely just a project that I am working on within Game Maker Studio 2. It's a twin-stick shooter game focused on utilizing a variety of weapons (currently only 4, with the last one being more so a joke weapon to mess with the player). I wanted to give the game an almost arcade-y feel, while also developing it like it were a roguelike. However, due to time constraints, I am unable to do procedural room generation within Game Maker. Overall, this build is somewhat also a representation of what I want to achieve by the end of the development process. In its current state there are a few bugs, specifically one with enemies and wall collision, which can lead to soft-locking the game in any level. Currently if players want to see the extent of the game, the "o" key will let players skip rooms (this feature was implemented for playtesting purposes and as such shall be removed in later builds as necessary).

Overall, this game is still very early in development, and my own experience with making games is currently very limited. If you're reading any of this with the intent to try it out, I thank you very much for taking the time to even glance at this game. 

Have a fun time playing and I will be sure to make updates as the development process continues.



  • Mobsteroids Vendetta Alpha Build Version 1.0.exe 25 MB
    Nov 11, 2021
Download Mobsteroids Vendetta
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