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Maps and Dash

Boss Fight
A browser game made in HTML5

Now you can select maps when playing the game! There are 4 maps till now, and I'll add more soon.

Oh and now you can dash with Right click or Shift. It will make you invincible for a while.

Also, I removed the white bullet thing when the enemy reached 70% of his health. I now made the white bullet thing as one of his attacks instead of firing it continuously since it's too hard.

Some few small things :

The enemy clones are now less likely to overlap each other.

When the real enemy reached 50% of his health he will show a frown instead of an angry eyebrow since it's cuter :v

Anyways, in case you want to make your own map, the picture below is the template. Just mark down the grids with any painting tool or something and I'll assume it's a wall.

Few things : Don't put walls in the enemy's and player's spawnpoint. The enemy will check it surroundings and move to another free space after attacking, so you can give some space for him to move around (optional).

Send it in the comments and I'll add it if it's good :)

Oh and the new main menu background is by slowcrow too (:


  • boss-fight-64bit.exe 32 MB
    Nov 02, 2021
  • boss-fight-32bit.exe 32 MB
    Nov 02, 2021
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