is community of indie game creators and players


Halloween 2021

Cryptid farm
A browser game made in HTML5

Thank you everyone for your continued support of the game! This is a little update to bring back the Halloween shop (and add a costume for one of the cryptids).

This marks the end of the pumpkin contest for Halloween, tremendous thanks if you submitted one! If you have a design that you'd like to send in still, feel free! It may be added later on :)

Here's a list of credits for the pumpkin creators this year!


All the pumpkins from the previous year will still be in the game, making for a big pool of pumpkins to pick from now!
As for development news, I'm happy to say that it's coming along well! I'm looking to release before the new year, but we'll see. And when I say release, I mean an actual Steam release! There's a decent amount to made still, but the new cryptid is working good and scary, old cryptids have a few twists to their behaviour, lots of UI improvements and some bonus mechanics are already in. I'd like to make some more player animations and add a little story into the mix too. 

Again, thank you all for staying tuned and playing the game!

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