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It's been long overdue but I finally added a tutorial. I think the only reason I hadn't before was because I was sure I'd add more mechanics, which I did, though now that the gloves are in and fully implemented I do think most of what I'm going to add mechanically is done. The vast majority of the rest of the work to do is making levels, making enemies and making music (which I am hot garbage at)

I may at some point test out a "hard lock-on" system, which could be toggled on a currently targeted enemy, or the last one attacked if one isn't targeted, and would make you strafe rather than turn when hitting left/right, and not disengage the target when jumping / backflipping / knocking the enemy too far away. I'm hesitant to add more buttons to the control list, so maybe it'd share the Quickturn button and the function would change depending on a tap or a hold.

Emphasis on may, though.

There's a big jump in file size since the last demo because of all the video clips I used in the tutorial lol

List of Changes that I Remember Making

Added a main menu

Added a tutorial

Replaced survival arena with a bigger level that's not nearly as cramped

FOV slider in pause menu options (I hope I didn't make the default low on accident you might have to up it if I messed up, it was supposed to be 60 by default)

Added finisher moves (Attack2 move followups) to input buffer to make them easier to use as opposed to only working when the button is hit during the recovery of a move

Fixed a bug with wall bounces and ground bounces that caused enemies to not bounce off the wall/ground but instead made them smack against something and then just fall down

Allowed juggle and launch type moves to work on grounded shattered enemies without having to guard break them or counterhit

Delayed point at which player can perform a duck again after using Ducking Attack2

added a quit game button lol

Made the time before the target camera disengages automatically longer by a couple seconds

Fixed a guardbreak animation bug that had been bugging me like over a year ago if not longer

uhhh... whatever else various bugfixes.


  • SoAR Demo 5 (TUTORIAL ADDED).zip 442 MB
    Oct 28, 2021
Download Saviors of Astral Rim Survival Room Demo
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