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Version 1.05: New features and a new sidequest

Project Compass Demo
A downloadable game for Windows


A new and improved version of the game is now available. This newest version update numbered 1.05 includes a couple of new features and also a new sidequest. One of the new features is an in-game achievement system, and as an achievement hunter myself, I'm really happy about how it turned out. You can now download the latest version of the game on the main page. The full list of new things is as follows:


- You can now pet the dog.
- Added a new sidequest and new items associated with the quest.
- Added a new feature called milestone trophies that lets you keep track of various objectives in the game and that rewards you with trophies for achieving them.
- Made a small adjustment to one of the reward tiers of Chester's quests.
- Made slight adjustments and modifications to the visuals in certain areas.
- Changed one save point in the area "Dais - Woods" into an object that restores the party to full health once and then disappears upon interacting with it.
- Made improvements to the dialogue in several instances and fixed some language errors.
- Fixed a minor bug where under certain circumstances encounters would trigger at a certain point in the area "Dais - Overlook" when they weren't meant to.
- Fixed a minor bug where the player is transferred to the wrong area upon exiting a certain area.
- Slightly changed the contents of two treasure chests.
- Made small adjustments to the parameters of certain pieces of equipment.
- Added functionality to a couple of bookshelves in Dais.
- Adjusted Yona's MP curve a little.

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