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Doors, Buttons and more!!! Devlog #2

Hi everyone, welcome to another devlog of my game: Why did the Chicken Cross the Road?

Camera Controls (Zoom-in and Zoom-out)

Originally this mechanic was not planned for the game, but i thought "And why not?"

It only took me about 10 minutes, you can scroll the mouse wheel up and down to increase o decrease the zoom

  • Zoom in
  • Zoom Out

Probably this is not an important mechanic but makes the player interact with the game.


What is a puzzle game without BUTTONS? exact, nothing.

So i have added this button (its just a red cube)

You can trigger events by jumping over it and getting down of it.


Well, if we have buttons we need something that we can activate or deactivate, so i added doors.

This brown cube has two actions, open and close (yeah, so obvious)

Door Closed
Door opened

Map Creation System (Only for developer)

With the powerful tool  of the tilemaps i have the posibility of create levels faster than placing blocks one by one

I have destroyed some parts of the level to test collisions
Then, i place the missing blocks back again 

Other Stuff

I have been working a lot fixing bugs: 

  • The moving platform physics
  • The moving platform collisions with the player
  • Player collision bugs when rotating

Thanks for read this Devlog, if you have an idea please put them in the comment section :D 


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