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Devtober Day #18

A downloadable game

Welcome back to Day #18 of Devtober, in which I totally don't rip off Tinker's Construct. Totally.

Anyway, today I worked on creating 3D models for the pattern items, though they haven't been fully integrated into the game yet, so screencaps are going to have to wait for next time, it seems. I'm actually still a bit torn on whether or not I want physical pattern items, but I'll stick with it for now. 

As it currently stands, each physical pattern will be represented with a model based on the pattern's component type rather than showing the actual pattern outline on the item model. My plan is to have the pattern display a sort of "hologram" whenever a pattern is placed on the anvil, and then adding an ingot and striking a few times would result in a fresh smithing grid, ready to be worked. While having the patterns be purely in data form would probably be a lot easier to manage, I do still have a soft spot in my heart for physical processes like having to organize your collection of patterns. 

Also, I really liked having to create and store patterns for each component type in Tinker's Construct, so there. 

I've also changed up how the component system works so that it now works of a component type/subtype system. For example, a "blade" component type might have subtypes for one-handed blades or daggers, while a "handle" component type will have subtypes for the varying sizes of handles. 

I'm still not entirely satisfied with this system, though, as it kinda feels a bit limiting when it comes to combinations of components. so that's something that I'll probably be redesigning in the near future. Ideally, the assembly system would be a lot more free-form, and would be able to dynamically build itself based on the components chosen, rather than being set blueprints with strict component requirements.

I guess it just goes to show that no game design survives first contact with the prototype... err, something seems off here.

Anyway, that's about it for now. 'Till tomorrow,

- Ian, Lunarium Works

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